A Study on the Prison Epistles..........eBook
$ 5.00 $ 7.99
A Study on the Prison Epistles
Authored by Rev Frank Abrahamsen
List Price: $9.99...8.5" x 11" (21.59 x 27.94 cm)...Black & White on White paper...244 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1492198222 (CreateSpace-Assigned)...ISBN-10: 1492198226
BISAC: Religion / Christian Theology / Ecclesiology
‘A Study on the Prison Epistles’ is written in workbook form to enhance the learning capacity of the reader. There are many questions to be considered and answered. The‘study’ may be done individually or as a ‘class study’. Either way affords the reader a thoughtful, factual and enjoyable Bible study. Each lesson is targeted for a chapter of the Prison Epistles. There are fifteen chapters to be studied. Preceding each book of the Prison Epistles there will be an introduction pertinent to the book to be studied. The ‘study’ work wells with interaction. Discussing thoughts and conceptions of different verses of the Prison Epistles greatly contribute to the participant retaining knowledge learned. In the workbook many verses will be inserted; however, many chapters and verses will be noted to be read.Be sure to read all chapters and verses noted for this will allow you to better assimilate the knowledge being presented.
(Proverbs 1:1-7)