The Range Wars of Cheyenne: e-Book
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On the meat table there was roasted leg of lamb with mint jelly, turkey stuffed with cornbread dressing, sugar cured smoke hams and a mutton stew which had been specially prepared by Alicia. She had slow cooked the mutton in a dutch oven and when the meat was just done she braised it in a pan of butter sealing all the juices in. After placing the mutton back in the oven, she made a thick gravy with the renderings to which she added salt and a heaping amount of pepper; additionally, she added several chopped onions and chopped red peppers. Once the onions and peppers were marbled she poured them into the dutch oven pan and added small new potatoes, chopped celery and more red peppers not chopped but sliced. And let simmer for forty-five minutes. Lili’s mother made a five-bean soup with spiced sausage and tomatoes. She added a touch of sugar and garlic to enhance the flavor. To complement the soup, she also made sliced potatoes slightly fried in bacon grease and onions and then she placed the mixture in a cast iron pot to which she added milk, butter and cheese. The table had a varied assortment of vegetables. The church ladies had brought huge cathead biscuits, sweet cornbread and cornpone. They brought several gallons of sweet tea to drink and for dessert they brought chocolate cake, apple pie, sugar pudding, oatmeal cookies, assorted preserves and peach cobbler. The Basque ladies had made their special sheepherder bread, plenty of strong coffee and a unique punch made from apples, blueberries and seltzer water. Mr. Parker had brought five gallons of his famous homemade root beer.